According to Commission Decision 2009/442/EC of 5 June 2009 implementing the INSPIRE Directive, EU Member States have to report annually a number of indicators for monitoring the implementation and use of their infrastructures for spatial information. This decision applied to the years 2009-2016.
A report had to include:
- Information on the coordinating structures,
- Information on the use of the infrastructure for spatial information,
- Information on data-sharing agreements and on the costs and benefits of implementing the INSPIRE Directive
Find below the Danish monitoring and reporting for the years 2009-2016.
Submitted to Commission May 2017
Monitoring 2016
Submitted to Commission May 2016
Monitoring 2015
Reporting 2013-2015
Submitted to Commission May 2015
Monitoring 2014
Submitted to Commission May 2014
Monitoring 2013
Submitted to Commission May 2013
Monitoring 2012
Reporting 2010-2012
Submitted to Commission May 2012
Monitoring 2011
Submitted to Commission May 2011
Monitoring 2010
Submitted to Commission May 2010
Monitoring 2009
Reporting 2009